Monday, October 18, 2010

Bad reputation from rival music of Robin Li, "throwing the bums out"?

Baidu PPC is CCTV exposure, therefore, bad reputation, the stock fell, rival music, and Baidu CEO Robin Li finally anxious.

Last weekend, Robin Li initiative to meet with Xinhua, issued a rectification measures Baidu 5. The five measures, including the exposure of key words off the assembly line was exposed enterprises; audit qualification pharmaceutical customers; audit related industries key words; severely responsible people; as soon as possible to launch a new advertising system.

5 measures early reading, I can not help feeling, Baidu these five measures, both the content and wording from the point of view, although the time later released, but most companies avoid the public relations crisis, the official excuse often used for piles.

However, looking back wondering what fine, I then there is some other flavor chemicals. With a civil saying described the corrective measures Baidu's much of a "stop-gap" of the mean. Take five measures for the first three, it all revolves around the exposure of the pharmaceutical industry by CCTV.

Even so, the pharmaceutical industry really is about the life of the industry, if there are problems, the affected areas and damage will be inestimable. Rectification from the pharmaceutical industry to proceed, can be considered the point, understandable.

The problem is, in addition to the pharmaceutical industry, other industries do not exist hidden it? Answer is no. Not qualified to participate in a tour, there is no guarantee of quality to buy a dress, or just to visit a less secure site, consumers seem not to risk life and limb proportions. However, this does not mean, have little or no deep harm, this part of the interests of consumers would not be worth our attention?

The author believes that an emphasis on user experience of enterprise, which should be responsible for all users adhere to the doctrine. Well, Baidu This time exposure, what causes that?

Many people believe that Baidu's bid ranking system is a "cancer" is all non-root of Baidu. This profit model undermined the basic network principle of equity. However, I do not think so. As a search engine, a profit model, is Baidu PPC system itself and between enterprises involved in bidding, "is willing to hold on" rules of the game. The problem is that PPC operation, Baidu normal user, should be placed in what position, how to play the role.

On the current situation, PPC is the invisible presence. Users to search, you can not search the contents of those sites participating in PPC have a clear understanding of a glance, users are completely acceptable in a passive position. If Baidu users can also basic right to information, users are unaware of the risks due to greatly reduced.

Baidu, as a normal user, I use the author alone is, in fact, and not mind in the search process, the passive has knowingly received several PPC information. Of course, must take into account, once the bid rankings on Baidu's user transparent, and many hope that the secret will greatly influence the consumer's business down. Baidu may lose some customers.

However, there is an ancient Chinese saying goes, "鏄庝汉涓嶅仛鏆椾簨" really strong business prospects will probably not care about "throwing the bums out." And Baidu, also should be more willing to work with the future development prospects, with the long-term value for customers. Now, the only question is, Robin Li willing to part from the loss of short-term interests, from "throwing the bums out" and change the bad image of the PPC? Or that he would give up the bid ranking system to lose now seems the most effective search revenue model? Hopefully, Baidu's new ad about on-line system "Phoenix Nest", is not a minimal and type of reform.


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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Remodeling "value stream"

"We now put their properties and lives are gambling in a set of IT systems." Deputy general manager of Chongqing Jialing told reporters. One is located in the western mountain town, with a century of large manufacturing enterprises, Why on IT technology has such a high passion? From Chongqing Jialing "the first one to eat crab" IT application awareness, people in western China may be able to glimpse the dawn of information technology industry.

"Fishbowl" on the

1995, 8 years did the formal assumption of the buyer's Gao Yong, vice minister of the logistics company, the immediate pain for many years in the procurement process of state-owned enterprises in the various logistics long-standing, high-Yong took office the first thing he wanted to logistics systematic institutionalized, IT, network. Company-wide meeting in the high-Yong for the first time unequivocally thrown his "fishbowl" theory.

"I had eight years of purchase, the most get the point do not understand is that we like the company's procurement process is a tank mixing with water, confused what the factory stuff, now my task is to clear it 浜? Ago I stood outside the tank, the fish could have touched both, but now my turn to grasp this piece of business, or if the tank water cloudy as before, suddenly one day and from which emerge a big fish, then that time I might put bitten to death, but I never properly Yuangui this person. "

銆??鍩轰簬鈥滀笉鍋氬啢楝尖?鐨勬兂娉曪紝楂樺媷鎵嶆湁浜嗏?鎶婃按鎼炴竻浜?鐨勬湸瀹炴兂娉曪紝鈥滄殏鏃舵垜涔熷厑璁告湁缁嗚弻瀛樺湪锛岃寰椾織涓?偣锛岃繖涓?几姘撮噷闈笉鎬曟湁鍑犳潯娌欒櫕锛屼絾鏄垜瑕佺粰杩欎簺娌欒櫕鏍囧彿锛孉銆丅銆丏銆丒 銆丗銆丟锛岃?涓旀垜涔熺煡閬撴瘡涓?潯娌欒櫕鏄皝鍏荤殑锛屽洜涓鸿繖鏄腑鍥界壒鏈夌殑鍥芥儏鍢涳紝閭d箞鐜板湪鎴戝彲鑳借繕璁╀綘鎴愭椿鐫?紝浠?箞鏃跺?瑕佲?鎺愭鈥欎綘鍐嶈锛屼絾鐜板湪灏辨槸瑕佸湪鎴戠殑鎵嬮噷鎺屾彙鐫?紝鍒版渶鍚庤偗瀹氭槸瑕佹帎姝荤殑銆傗?


銆??楂樺媷鎯冲埌鐨勬槸鐢ㄤ竴鏁村IT绯荤粺鏉ュ皢鐗╂祦鍥哄寲锛屽疄鐜扳?鍙暟瀛楀寲绠$悊鈥濓紝鈥滆繖鏍蜂竴鏉ワ紝鍒ゆ柇鍜屽鎯╁氨鐢ㄤ笉鐫?垜浜茶嚜鍘绘搷鍒?紝鎴戣绠$殑鍙槸鍒跺害鍜岃繃绋嬨?鈥?娴呮樉鐨勪竴鐣〃鐧斤紝鎰熷姩浜嗗叏鍏徃鎵?湁鍦ㄥ満鐨勪汉锛岄珮鍕囨湡鏈涚殑鐗╂祦绯荤粺锛屽氨鏄?杩団?鏁板瓧鍖栫鐞嗏?锛屽交搴曠粓缁撳叕鍙搁噰璐繃绋嬩腑闀挎湡鐩涜鐨勪汉鎯呯鐞嗗拰缁忛獙涓讳箟銆傛洿閲嶈鐨勬槸锛岄偅骞撮珮鍕囩涓?琚彁鍒颁腑灞傚共閮ㄥ矖浣嶄笂锛屸?鍐插姴鍗佽冻鈥濓紝鈥滄垜鍋氫换浣曚竴浠朵簨鎯咃紝鐩爣灏辨槸瑕佸湪杩欎釜琛屼笟鍋氬埌绗竴鎴栫浜岋紝杩欎篃鏄嚜鎴戜环鍊肩殑浣撶幇锛屽彟涓?柟闈紝鑳藉鎶婂ぇ瀹跺洟缁撹捣鏉ワ紝鍚屽績鍚屽痉锛屼娇鏁翠釜娴佺▼閮藉彈鎺э紝涓嶅甫浜屽績锛屾妸浜嬫儏鍋氳捣鏉ワ紝澶у鏃╂櫄閮戒細璁ゅ彲杩欎竴鐐广?鈥?br />
鈥滈?鏄庘?鐨勭墿娴?br />

銆??浠?0涓栫邯90骞翠唬鍒濆紑濮嬶紝浼撮殢鐫?槈闄碘?鍐涜浆姘戔?鍜屼紒涓氭敼鍒剁殑闇?锛屽ぇ瑙勬ā鐨処T鎶?湳搴旂敤涔熶娇鍢夐櫟璧颁笂浜嗕紭鍖栦骇涓氱粨鏋勭殑涓嶅綊璺紝濡傛灉璇碔T鎶?湳鐨勫簲鐢ㄤ负鍢夐櫟鐨勪紒涓氬競鍦哄寲鍐嶉?鎻愪緵浜嗗伐鍏风殑璇濓紝閭d箞鍢夐櫟鍏徃鐨勪竴娉㈠張涓?尝鐨勪紒涓氫綋鍒跺彉闈╁拰绠$悊鍒涙柊锛屽垯涓篒T鎶?湳鐨勫伐鍏峰簲鐢ㄦ彁渚涗簡鑳屾櫙鍜屽彲鑳芥?銆?br />
銆??1987骞达紝鍒氫粠鐢靛ぇ璇诲畬璐㈠姟涓撲笟鐨勯珮鍕囪鍒嗛厤鍒板槈闄碉紝褰撲笂浜嗕竴鍚嶉噰璐憳锛屼竴寮?纰板埌鐨勫叏鏄?闂瀹㈡埛鈥濓紝鍟冪殑閮芥槸浜涒?纭澶粹?锛屽嚟鐫?嚜宸辩殑鍕ゅ媺銆佺湡璇氬拰鍔姏锛岄珮鍕囧緢蹇劚棰栬?鍑猴紝浠庨噰璐憳銆佽鍒掑憳銆佸壇绉戦暱銆佺闀裤?鍓闀裤?澶勯暱锛屼竴璺仛鍒颁富绠′紒涓氬彂灞曡鍒掑拰淇℃伅鍖栨敼閫犵殑鍓?缁忕悊銆?br />
銆??鍦ㄥ骞寸殑閲囪喘瀹炶返涓紝楂樺媷涔熶竴鐩村湪瀵绘?涓?釜鈥滀竴鍔虫案閫糕?鐨勮В鍐充箣閬擄細濡備綍璁╀紒涓氱殑璁″垝銆侀噰璐?浠撳偍姣忎竴涓祦绋嬮兘鍙楁帶锛屼娇鏁翠釜绠$悊閫忔槑鍖栵紝鑰岄潪閲囧彇浼佷笟閫氱敤鐨勭粡楠屼富涔夊拰绠?崟鐨勮鏀挎寚浠わ紝浼犵粺鐨勮繖浜涘仛娉曚笉浠呴殢鎰忔?澶э紝鑰屼笖鐗瑰埆瀹规槗婊嬬敓閲囪喘杩囩▼涓殑鑵愯触娓╁簥銆?br />
銆??1995骞村墠鍚庯紝鍦ㄩ珮鍕囩殑澶у姏闄堣瘝涔嬩笅锛屾椂浠荤墿璧勯儴鍓儴闀跨殑浠栧紑濮嬬鍒掑槈闄垫渶鏃╃殑鐗╂祦绠$悊绯荤粺锛屾憜鑴辨墜宸ヨ璐︼紝骞跺皾璇曞湪閲囪喘鍜岄攢鍞幆鑺傚垎闃舵瀹炵幇鐢电畻鍖栥?杩欎篃鏄槈闄靛缓璁剧殑绗竴涓?淇℃伅瀛ゅ矝鈥濄? 鈥滀竴绉嶇鐞嗘墜娈佃鍏嬫湇浜涢棶棰橈紝鍏抽敭鏄綘鐨勬兂娉曚竴瀹氳鑳藉?鍔╂湁鏁堢殑鎵嬫锛屾墠鑳藉瀹炵幇"锛岄珮鍕囩殑杩欎釜鍒濊》銆佹湸绱犵殑鎯虫硶锛屼績浣夸粬涓?紑濮嬫帹琛屼簡鏈?棭鐨勪竴濂桰T鐗╂祦绠$悊绯荤粺锛屸?绯荤粺鍒氫笂鏃讹紝鎴戜滑棣栧厛淇濊瘉鐨勪竴鐐瑰氨鏄紝浠讳綍涓?釜閲囪喘杩囩▼涓殑鍔ㄤ綔锛屽繀椤绘湁璁$畻鏈虹殑鎸囦护锛屾寜鎸囦护琛屼簨锛屼粠婧愬ご涓婂厠鏈嶄汉涓哄洜绱犮? "


铏氭嫙闆跺簱瀛樼鐞?br />
銆??1995骞村紑濮嬪疄鏂界墿娴佺鐞嗙郴缁燂紝鍒?996骞达紝鍐嶇户缁悜涓嬫寲娼滃鏁堬紝楂樺媷鎰熷埌鍘嬪姏瓒婃潵瓒婂ぇ锛屽挨鍏舵槸浼佷笟鐨勫簱瀛樼Н鍘嬪拰娴佸姩璧勯噾鍗犵敤涔嬮棿鐨勭煕鐩捐秺鏉ヨ秺绐佸嚭銆備笌鍥藉鎽╂墭杞﹀伐涓氫笉鍚岋紝鍥藉唴鎽╂墭杞﹂厤濂椾骇鍝佺殑璐ㄩ噺鑹帬涓嶉綈锛岀ǔ瀹氭?宸紝涔熺己涔忚鍒掓?锛岃?鍍忔棩鏈湰鐢拌繖鏍风殑浼佷笟锛屽叾鏍稿績绔炰簤鍔涚殑琛ㄧ幇鍦ㄩ浂閮ㄤ欢鐨勮川閲忎笂涔橈紝浠庝骇涓氬垎宸ュ埌娴佺▼鎺у埗闈炲父濂斤紝涓婃父渚涘簲鍟嗘彁渚涚殑闆朵欢鍏ㄩ儴閮芥槸鍏嶆浜у搧銆?br />



銆??鍦ㄨ繙绋嬭仈缃戝熀纭?笂锛屽槈闄典笌閰嶄欢鍘傚晢鐨勫崟鏂圭鐞嗕竴涓嬪瓙鍙樻垚鍙屾柟绠$悊鐨勪簰鍔ㄥ叧绯伙紝鏇撮噸瑕佺殑鏄紝寤虹珛浜嗕竴绉嶅叏鏂扮殑渚涘簲閾剧鐞嗗叧绯烩?鈥斿彧鏈夐?杩囦娇鐢紝鍟嗗搧浠峰?鎵嶈兘寰椾互浣撶幇銆?br />
銆??鏈?悗锛屼緵搴旀柟涔熺悍绾锋彁鍑鸿姹傛悶鍏嶆鍒讹紝鎰挎剰鍔犻珮璐ㄩ噺鐨勭储璧旈搴︼紝鏈夌殑鐢氳嚦鎻愬嚭璇峰槈闄靛巶娲鹃┗锛屽鏂规敮浠樺伐璧勯兘鍙互锛屼竴鎵逛骇鍝佹楠屽悎鏍硷紝灏卞彲浠ユ斁鍦ㄥ巶鎴裤?浜掑姩鍏崇郴淇冧娇澶у鐪熸璧板埌涓?捣锛屾垚涓轰竴绉嶆柊鐨勫埄鐩婂叡鍚屼綋锛屼环鍊肩洰鏍囬珮搴︿篃娓愯秼涓?嚧銆?br />

銆??鍦ㄧ悊娓呮?閲忕殑鍩虹涓婏紝鎺ヤ笅鏉ユ槸濡備綍鍚堢悊鍏钩鍦板垎瑙f寚鏍囥?寤虹珛涓庨浂閰嶄欢鍘傚晢鐨勫姩鎬佺鐞嗗叧绯婚棶棰樸?涓烘锛屽槈闄典篃棣栧垱浜嗕竴绉嶅熀浜庢暟瀛︽ā鍨嬬殑鍙仛ABCD娉曠殑绠$悊妯″紡锛屽叾涓瑼鏄寚閰嶄欢鍟嗘槸鍚﹂?杩嘔SO9000鐨勮璇侊紝绯绘暟涓?.1锛孊銆丆銆丏鍚勪负0.3,鍔犺捣鏉ユ濂芥槸婊″垎1銆?br />
銆??鍏朵腑B鏄鍒掑畬鎴愰噺锛屾牴鎹厤浠跺晢涓婃湀鍒嗛厤閲忕殑瀹屾垚鎯呭喌鏉ュ垽鏂叾渚涜揣鑳藉姏锛孋鏄寚涓?浜ゆ槗閲忔湇鍔$殑璐ㄩ噺姘村钩锛岀敤浠ュ垽鏂緵搴斿晢鐨勪骇鍝佸悎鏍肩巼锛孌鏄环鏍兼按骞筹紝鐢ㄤ互鎺у埗渚涘簲鍟嗙殑浠锋牸姘村钩锛屼績杩涗緵搴斿晢涔嬮棿鐨勫叕骞崇珵浜夈?鍦ㄦ牴鎹厤浠跺晢姣忎釜鏈堜笟缁╄〃鐜扮殑鍩虹涓婏紝寤虹珛璧锋暣涓暟鎹紝褰㈡垚浜嗛拡瀵逛笂娓搁厤浠跺晢鐨勪竴绉嶅彲鎺у埗鐨勩?鏁板瓧鍖栫洿瑙傝〃鐜扮殑銆佽壇鎬х殑浼樿儨鍔f卑鏈哄埗銆?br />

銆??鍢夐櫟鐨勬垚鏈按骞充篃闅忎箣澶у箙涓嬮檷锛屾渶楂樼殑鏃跺?锛屽簱鎴块噷浠呬粎鏄師鏉愭枡鐨勫偍澶囧氨楂樿揪1.3浜垮厓锛岀幇鍦ㄥ凡鍩烘湰缁存寔鍦?000涓囧厓宸﹀彸鐨勬按骞筹紝鏈夋椂鐢氳嚦鍙湁鍑犵櫨涓囧厓銆傛祦绋嬬鐞嗙郴缁熺殑瀹炵幇锛屼篃浣块珮鍕囩涓?娣卞埢鎬濊?杩欐牱鐨勯棶棰? 浠讳綍涓?釜绠$悊棣栧厛瑕佺粨鍚堝疄闄咃紝鐓ф惉浠讳綍涓?鍏堣繘妯″紡閮戒細鏈夐棶棰橈紝绠?崟鐨勪竴涓亾鐞嗗氨鏄紝濡傛灉鐓ф惉鑳藉鎴愬姛锛岄偅涔堜笘鐣屼笂鐨勪紒涓氬氨鏄竴涓按骞充簡锛屽氨娌℃湁浠?箞寮便?寮猴紝姘戣惀浼佷笟涔嬪垎浜嗭紝鑰屽浣曞皢杩欎簺鍏堣繘鐨処T绯荤粺鐨勭鐞嗘柟娉曞拰浼佷笟鐨勪笟鍔$壒鐐逛笌鍏蜂綋鐜缁撳悎璧锋潵锛屼篃鎴愪负浜嗗槈闄礗T鎶?湳搴旂敤瀹炴柦涓渶閲嶈鐨勪富瀵兼?鎯炽?

銆??鈥滄垜浠幇鍦ㄦ妸鑷繁鐨勮韩瀹舵?鍛介兘璧屽湪浜嗚繖濂桰T绯荤粺涓娿?鈥濋噸搴嗗槈闄靛叕鍙稿壇鎬荤粡鐞嗗璁拌?璇淬?涓?鍦板瑗块儴灞卞煄銆佹湁鐫?笂鐧惧勾鍘嗗彶鐨勮秴澶у瀷鍒堕?浼佷笟锛岀紭浣曞IT鎶?湳搴旂敤鏈夌潃濡傛楂樼殑鐑儏锛熶粠閲嶅簡鍢夐櫟鈥滃悆绗竴鍙瀮锜光?鐨処T搴旂敤鎰忚瘑涓紝浜轰滑鎴栬鑳界瑙佷腑鍥借タ閮ㄥ埗閫犱笟鐨勪俊鎭寲鏇欏厜銆?br />
鈥滅幓鐠冮奔缂糕?璁?br />


銆??鍩轰簬鈥滀笉鍋氬啢楝尖?鐨勬兂娉曪紝楂樺媷鎵嶆湁浜嗏?鎶婃按鎼炴竻浜?鐨勬湸瀹炴兂娉曪紝鈥滄殏鏃舵垜涔熷厑璁告湁缁嗚弻瀛樺湪锛岃寰椾織涓?偣锛岃繖涓?几姘撮噷闈笉鎬曟湁鍑犳潯娌欒櫕锛屼絾鏄垜瑕佺粰杩欎簺娌欒櫕鏍囧彿锛孉銆丅銆丏銆丒 銆丗銆丟锛岃?涓旀垜涔熺煡閬撴瘡涓?潯娌欒櫕鏄皝鍏荤殑锛屽洜涓鸿繖鏄腑鍥界壒鏈夌殑鍥芥儏鍢涳紝閭d箞鐜板湪鎴戝彲鑳借繕璁╀綘鎴愭椿鐫?紝浠?箞鏃跺?瑕佲?鎺愭鈥欎綘鍐嶈锛屼絾鐜板湪灏辨槸瑕佸湪鎴戠殑鎵嬮噷鎺屾彙鐫?紝鍒版渶鍚庤偗瀹氭槸瑕佹帎姝荤殑銆傗?


銆??楂樺媷鎯冲埌鐨勬槸鐢ㄤ竴鏁村IT绯荤粺鏉ュ皢鐗╂祦鍥哄寲锛屽疄鐜扳?鍙暟瀛楀寲绠$悊鈥濓紝鈥滆繖鏍蜂竴鏉ワ紝鍒ゆ柇鍜屽鎯╁氨鐢ㄤ笉鐫?垜浜茶嚜鍘绘搷鍒?紝鎴戣绠$殑鍙槸鍒跺害鍜岃繃绋嬨?鈥?娴呮樉鐨勪竴鐣〃鐧斤紝鎰熷姩浜嗗叏鍏徃鎵?湁鍦ㄥ満鐨勪汉锛岄珮鍕囨湡鏈涚殑鐗╂祦绯荤粺锛屽氨鏄?杩団?鏁板瓧鍖栫鐞嗏?锛屽交搴曠粓缁撳叕鍙搁噰璐繃绋嬩腑闀挎湡鐩涜鐨勪汉鎯呯鐞嗗拰缁忛獙涓讳箟銆傛洿閲嶈鐨勬槸锛岄偅骞撮珮鍕囩涓?琚彁鍒颁腑灞傚共閮ㄥ矖浣嶄笂锛屸?鍐插姴鍗佽冻鈥濓紝鈥滄垜鍋氫换浣曚竴浠朵簨鎯咃紝鐩爣灏辨槸瑕佸湪杩欎釜琛屼笟鍋氬埌绗竴鎴栫浜岋紝杩欎篃鏄嚜鎴戜环鍊肩殑浣撶幇锛屽彟涓?柟闈紝鑳藉鎶婂ぇ瀹跺洟缁撹捣鏉ワ紝鍚屽績鍚屽痉锛屼娇鏁翠釜娴佺▼閮藉彈鎺э紝涓嶅甫浜屽績锛屾妸浜嬫儏鍋氳捣鏉ワ紝澶у鏃╂櫄閮戒細璁ゅ彲杩欎竴鐐广?鈥?br />
鈥滈?鏄庘?鐨勭墿娴?br />

銆??浠?0涓栫邯90骞翠唬鍒濆紑濮嬶紝浼撮殢鐫?槈闄碘?鍐涜浆姘戔?鍜屼紒涓氭敼鍒剁殑闇?锛屽ぇ瑙勬ā鐨処T鎶?湳搴旂敤涔熶娇鍢夐櫟璧颁笂浜嗕紭鍖栦骇涓氱粨鏋勭殑涓嶅綊璺紝濡傛灉璇碔T鎶?湳鐨勫簲鐢ㄤ负鍢夐櫟鐨勪紒涓氬競鍦哄寲鍐嶉?鎻愪緵浜嗗伐鍏风殑璇濓紝閭d箞鍢夐櫟鍏徃鐨勪竴娉㈠張涓?尝鐨勪紒涓氫綋鍒跺彉闈╁拰绠$悊鍒涙柊锛屽垯涓篒T鎶?湳鐨勫伐鍏峰簲鐢ㄦ彁渚涗簡鑳屾櫙鍜屽彲鑳芥?銆?br />
銆??1987骞达紝鍒氫粠鐢靛ぇ璇诲畬璐㈠姟涓撲笟鐨勯珮鍕囪鍒嗛厤鍒板槈闄碉紝褰撲笂浜嗕竴鍚嶉噰璐憳锛屼竴寮?纰板埌鐨勫叏鏄?闂瀹㈡埛鈥濓紝鍟冪殑閮芥槸浜涒?纭澶粹?锛屽嚟鐫?嚜宸辩殑鍕ゅ媺銆佺湡璇氬拰鍔姏锛岄珮鍕囧緢蹇劚棰栬?鍑猴紝浠庨噰璐憳銆佽鍒掑憳銆佸壇绉戦暱銆佺闀裤?鍓闀裤?澶勯暱锛屼竴璺仛鍒颁富绠′紒涓氬彂灞曡鍒掑拰淇℃伅鍖栨敼閫犵殑鍓?缁忕悊銆?br />
銆??鍦ㄥ骞寸殑閲囪喘瀹炶返涓紝楂樺媷涔熶竴鐩村湪瀵绘?涓?釜鈥滀竴鍔虫案閫糕?鐨勮В鍐充箣閬擄細濡備綍璁╀紒涓氱殑璁″垝銆侀噰璐?浠撳偍姣忎竴涓祦绋嬮兘鍙楁帶锛屼娇鏁翠釜绠$悊閫忔槑鍖栵紝鑰岄潪閲囧彇浼佷笟閫氱敤鐨勭粡楠屼富涔夊拰绠?崟鐨勮鏀挎寚浠わ紝浼犵粺鐨勮繖浜涘仛娉曚笉浠呴殢鎰忔?澶э紝鑰屼笖鐗瑰埆瀹规槗婊嬬敓閲囪喘杩囩▼涓殑鑵愯触娓╁簥銆?br />
銆??1995骞村墠鍚庯紝鍦ㄩ珮鍕囩殑澶у姏闄堣瘝涔嬩笅锛屾椂浠荤墿璧勯儴鍓儴闀跨殑浠栧紑濮嬬鍒掑槈闄垫渶鏃╃殑鐗╂祦绠$悊绯荤粺锛屾憜鑴辨墜宸ヨ璐︼紝骞跺皾璇曞湪閲囪喘鍜岄攢鍞幆鑺傚垎闃舵瀹炵幇鐢电畻鍖栥?杩欎篃鏄槈闄靛缓璁剧殑绗竴涓?淇℃伅瀛ゅ矝鈥濄? 鈥滀竴绉嶇鐞嗘墜娈佃鍏嬫湇浜涢棶棰橈紝鍏抽敭鏄綘鐨勬兂娉曚竴瀹氳鑳藉?鍔╂湁鏁堢殑鎵嬫锛屾墠鑳藉瀹炵幇"锛岄珮鍕囩殑杩欎釜鍒濊》銆佹湸绱犵殑鎯虫硶锛屼績浣夸粬涓?紑濮嬫帹琛屼簡鏈?棭鐨勪竴濂桰T鐗╂祦绠$悊绯荤粺锛屸?绯荤粺鍒氫笂鏃讹紝鎴戜滑棣栧厛淇濊瘉鐨勪竴鐐瑰氨鏄紝浠讳綍涓?釜閲囪喘杩囩▼涓殑鍔ㄤ綔锛屽繀椤绘湁璁$畻鏈虹殑鎸囦护锛屾寜鎸囦护琛屼簨锛屼粠婧愬ご涓婂厠鏈嶄汉涓哄洜绱犮? "


铏氭嫙闆跺簱瀛樼鐞?br />
銆??1995骞村紑濮嬪疄鏂界墿娴佺鐞嗙郴缁燂紝鍒?996骞达紝鍐嶇户缁悜涓嬫寲娼滃鏁堬紝楂樺媷鎰熷埌鍘嬪姏瓒婃潵瓒婂ぇ锛屽挨鍏舵槸浼佷笟鐨勫簱瀛樼Н鍘嬪拰娴佸姩璧勯噾鍗犵敤涔嬮棿鐨勭煕鐩捐秺鏉ヨ秺绐佸嚭銆備笌鍥藉鎽╂墭杞﹀伐涓氫笉鍚岋紝鍥藉唴鎽╂墭杞﹂厤濂椾骇鍝佺殑璐ㄩ噺鑹帬涓嶉綈锛岀ǔ瀹氭?宸紝涔熺己涔忚鍒掓?锛岃?鍍忔棩鏈湰鐢拌繖鏍风殑浼佷笟锛屽叾鏍稿績绔炰簤鍔涚殑琛ㄧ幇鍦ㄩ浂閮ㄤ欢鐨勮川閲忎笂涔橈紝浠庝骇涓氬垎宸ュ埌娴佺▼鎺у埗闈炲父濂斤紝涓婃父渚涘簲鍟嗘彁渚涚殑闆朵欢鍏ㄩ儴閮芥槸鍏嶆浜у搧銆?br />



銆??鍦ㄨ繙绋嬭仈缃戝熀纭?笂锛屽槈闄典笌閰嶄欢鍘傚晢鐨勫崟鏂圭鐞嗕竴涓嬪瓙鍙樻垚鍙屾柟绠$悊鐨勪簰鍔ㄥ叧绯伙紝鏇撮噸瑕佺殑鏄紝寤虹珛浜嗕竴绉嶅叏鏂扮殑渚涘簲閾剧鐞嗗叧绯烩?鈥斿彧鏈夐?杩囦娇鐢紝鍟嗗搧浠峰?鎵嶈兘寰椾互浣撶幇銆?br />
銆??鏈?悗锛屼緵搴旀柟涔熺悍绾锋彁鍑鸿姹傛悶鍏嶆鍒讹紝鎰挎剰鍔犻珮璐ㄩ噺鐨勭储璧旈搴︼紝鏈夌殑鐢氳嚦鎻愬嚭璇峰槈闄靛巶娲鹃┗锛屽鏂规敮浠樺伐璧勯兘鍙互锛屼竴鎵逛骇鍝佹楠屽悎鏍硷紝灏卞彲浠ユ斁鍦ㄥ巶鎴裤?浜掑姩鍏崇郴淇冧娇澶у鐪熸璧板埌涓?捣锛屾垚涓轰竴绉嶆柊鐨勫埄鐩婂叡鍚屼綋锛屼环鍊肩洰鏍囬珮搴︿篃娓愯秼涓?嚧銆?br />

銆??鍦ㄧ悊娓呮?閲忕殑鍩虹涓婏紝鎺ヤ笅鏉ユ槸濡備綍鍚堢悊鍏钩鍦板垎瑙f寚鏍囥?寤虹珛涓庨浂閰嶄欢鍘傚晢鐨勫姩鎬佺鐞嗗叧绯婚棶棰樸?涓烘锛屽槈闄典篃棣栧垱浜嗕竴绉嶅熀浜庢暟瀛︽ā鍨嬬殑鍙仛ABCD娉曠殑绠$悊妯″紡锛屽叾涓瑼鏄寚閰嶄欢鍟嗘槸鍚﹂?杩嘔SO9000鐨勮璇侊紝绯绘暟涓?.1锛孊銆丆銆丏鍚勪负0.3,鍔犺捣鏉ユ濂芥槸婊″垎1銆?br />
銆??鍏朵腑B鏄鍒掑畬鎴愰噺锛屾牴鎹厤浠跺晢涓婃湀鍒嗛厤閲忕殑瀹屾垚鎯呭喌鏉ュ垽鏂叾渚涜揣鑳藉姏锛孋鏄寚涓?浜ゆ槗閲忔湇鍔$殑璐ㄩ噺姘村钩锛岀敤浠ュ垽鏂緵搴斿晢鐨勪骇鍝佸悎鏍肩巼锛孌鏄环鏍兼按骞筹紝鐢ㄤ互鎺у埗渚涘簲鍟嗙殑浠锋牸姘村钩锛屼績杩涗緵搴斿晢涔嬮棿鐨勫叕骞崇珵浜夈?鍦ㄦ牴鎹厤浠跺晢姣忎釜鏈堜笟缁╄〃鐜扮殑鍩虹涓婏紝寤虹珛璧锋暣涓暟鎹紝褰㈡垚浜嗛拡瀵逛笂娓搁厤浠跺晢鐨勪竴绉嶅彲鎺у埗鐨勩?鏁板瓧鍖栫洿瑙傝〃鐜扮殑銆佽壇鎬х殑浼樿儨鍔f卑鏈哄埗銆?br />

銆??鍢夐櫟鐨勬垚鏈按骞充篃闅忎箣澶у箙涓嬮檷锛屾渶楂樼殑鏃跺?锛屽簱鎴块噷浠呬粎鏄師鏉愭枡鐨勫偍澶囧氨楂樿揪1.3浜垮厓锛岀幇鍦ㄥ凡鍩烘湰缁存寔鍦?000涓囧厓宸﹀彸鐨勬按骞筹紝鏈夋椂鐢氳嚦鍙湁鍑犵櫨涓囧厓銆傛祦绋嬬鐞嗙郴缁熺殑瀹炵幇锛屼篃浣块珮鍕囩涓?娣卞埢鎬濊?杩欐牱鐨勯棶棰? 浠讳綍涓?釜绠$悊棣栧厛瑕佺粨鍚堝疄闄咃紝鐓ф惉浠讳綍涓?鍏堣繘妯″紡閮戒細鏈夐棶棰橈紝绠?崟鐨勪竴涓亾鐞嗗氨鏄紝濡傛灉鐓ф惉鑳藉鎴愬姛锛岄偅涔堜笘鐣屼笂鐨勪紒涓氬氨鏄竴涓按骞充簡锛屽氨娌℃湁浠?箞寮便?寮猴紝姘戣惀浼佷笟涔嬪垎浜嗭紝鑰屽浣曞皢杩欎簺鍏堣繘鐨処T绯荤粺鐨勭鐞嗘柟娉曞拰浼佷笟鐨勪笟鍔$壒鐐逛笌鍏蜂綋鐜缁撳悎璧锋潵锛屼篃鎴愪负浜嗗槈闄礗T鎶?湳搴旂敤瀹炴柦涓渶閲嶈鐨勪富瀵兼?鎯炽?

璁╃墿娴併?淇℃伅娴佸拰浠峰?娴佷繚鎸佸悓姝?br />
銆??鍦ㄥ骞寸殑浼佷笟IT绯荤粺瑙勫垝鍜屽疄璺典腑锛岄珮鍕囪寰楄嚜宸辩殑璁稿濂囨兂涔熸槸鍙楁儬浜庡綋骞寸殑璐㈠姟鐭ヨ瘑銆傚湪浠栫湅鏉ワ紝璐㈠姟鏄竴绉嶇粡娴庝环鍊肩殑鍐嶇幇锛岀粡娴庢椿鍔ㄥ張鏄竴涓墿鍖栫殑杩囩▼锛?0骞寸殑鐗╂祦涓氬伐浣滅粡楠屼篃璁╀粬娣卞埢璁よ瘑鍒帮紝鍦ㄧ墿娴佺幆鑺備腑锛屼俊鎭祦銆佺墿娴佸拰浠峰?娴佽淇濇寔鍚屾锛岃繖搴旇鎴愪负浼佷笟寮曡繘IT绯荤粺鏃舵渶鏍稿績鐨勫簲鐢ㄥ拰绠$悊鎬濇兂銆?br />
銆??涓?洿鍒扮幇鍦紝楂樺媷杩樿韩鍏艰储鍔¢儴鐨勯儴闀匡紝璐交鐫?粬涓?洿鍧氭寔鐨勨?涓?釜涓績鈥濈鐞嗘?鎯筹紝浠庝簨鍏堢殑璁″垝棰勭銆佷簨涓帶鍒躲?鍒颁簨鍚庣‘璁わ紝瑙勮寖鍖栧繀椤诲欢浼稿埌鏁翠釜杩囩▼锛屼粠鍘熸潵鐨勪細璁″紡璐㈠姟锛屽悜绠$悊璐㈠姟杞寲锛岀湡姝h繃娓″埌浜嬪墠棰勬祴鐩稿鍑嗙‘锛屼簨涓爣鍑嗚揪鏍囷紝鏈?悗鍑烘潵鐨勭粨鏋滆杩涜鍋忓樊鍒嗘瀽銆?br />
鍏堝綋鏈哄櫒浜?鍐嶅仛鑷劧浜?br />


銆??鍦ㄥ槈闄碉紝楂樺媷鍙礋璐d紒涓欼T绯荤粺鐨勮鍒掑拰缁撳悎涓氬姟鐗圭偣鎻愬嚭闇?眰锛岀郴缁熺殑瀹為檯缂栫▼鍜岃繍浣滅淮鎶や氦缁欏叕鍙哥殑IT绯荤粺鍜岃蒋浠朵緵搴斿晢銆備负浜嗗湪姣忎釜鍛樺伐蹇冪洰涓爲绔嬧?鍒跺害绗竴鈥濈殑鎬濇兂锛屽槈闄垫彁鍑轰簡鈥滆绠楁満缁欐瘡涓汉璇勪环鎵撳垎锛屼笌鏀跺叆鎸傞挬锛屽悗鍗佸悕寮犳鍏竷鈥濈殑鍦熷姙娉曪紝姝eソ璧朵笂1998骞村浗鏈変紒涓氱殑涓嬪矖鍒嗘祦锛岃緟浠ユ窐姹版満鍒跺拰寮曡繘鏂版瘯涓氱殑澶у鐢燂紝鏁翠釜鍏徃鐨勮绠楁満搴旂敤姘村钩鍜屸?璁$畻鏈虹鐞嗏?寰堝揩寰椾互骞挎硾鏅強銆?br />

銆??楂樺媷璁や负锛屽鏋滄妸姣忎竴涓鐞嗗彉闈╅兘瑙嗕负鍒╃泭鐨勫啀鍒嗛厤杩囩▼锛岄偅涔堜紒涓氱殑淇℃伅鍖栬繃绋嬩竴瀹氭槸瑕佲?鎴掓?瀹滅紦鈥濓紝鈥滄垜鏄湪鎮勬棤澹版伅鐨勮繃绋嬩腑鎶婅繖寮犵墝鎵撳畬鐨勶紝閫愭銆佺ǔ濡ュ湴鎺ㄨ繘锛屽厛鎶婂墠杈圭殑鍋氬ソ浜嗭紝鍐嶅線涓嬮潰鍋氾紝灏辨湁鑸嗚鎴栬?缇や紬鍩虹浜嗭紝鍚﹀垯娌℃湁涓氱哗浣滀负鍩虹锛屼竴鏃﹀弽寮瑰帇鍔涘姞澶э紝绯荤粺鐨勬帹杩涘氨闅句互涓猴紝杩欐槸涓?釜娣卞眰娆$殑鍙橀潻闂锛岃鐧戒簡锛屽氨鏄竴绉嶈涓虹瀛︺?鈥?br />
銆??鍦ㄥ槈闄佃繖鏍疯?瀛楀彿鐨勫浗鏈夊ぇ鍨嬩紒涓氶?姝ュ疄鏂絀T绠$悊锛岄珮鍕囧綊缁撲负鈥滃綋鏃朵竴绉嶉潚骞翠汉鐨勫啿鍔紝涓?偣閲庡績鈥濓紝褰撶劧锛屾洿閲嶈鐨勬槸浼佷笟棰嗗鐨勫紑鏄庡拰鏀寔銆傚緢澶氫汉閮藉舰璞″湴绉颁紒涓氫俊鎭寲鏄?涓?妸鎵嬪伐绋嬧?锛屽洜涓虹鐞嗙殑閫忔槑鍖栧娍蹇呬細瑙﹀強鏌愪簺浜虹殑鍒╃泭锛岄珮鍕囦篃閬囧埌杩囪浜衡?鎸囩潃榧诲瓙楠傗?鐨勭粡鍘嗭紝浣嗛兘鎸鸿繃鏉ヤ簡锛屸?娌℃湁寮?槑棰嗗鐨勬敮鎸侊紝浠讳綍IT绯荤粺閮戒笉鑳藉仛鎴愬姛锛屾垜褰撴椂涔熸槸鍒濈敓鐗涚妸涓嶆?铏庯紝鐬诲墠椤惧悗鐨勮瘽灏卞彲鑳藉仛涓嶆垚浜嗐?鈥?br />


銆??鍙︿竴鏂归潰锛屽槈闄典篃璁や负锛屼紒涓氫笂ERP椤圭洰蹇呴』鍏锋湁棰勮鎬э紝棣栧厛鏄鐭ラ亾鑷繁鏈?渶瑕佽В鍐崇殑闂鏄摢浜涳紝鍚屾椂鍙堜笉浼氫激绛嬪姩楠紝鐒跺悗绗簩姝ヨ鎼炰粈涔堬紝鏈??鐨勬槸涓婇」鐩椂甯︽湁鐩茬洰鎬э紝鐢氳嚦鐓ф惉鐓ф妱鍒汉鐨勬柟妗堬紝閭f牱灏扁?闈炴涓嶅彲鈥濄?楂樺媷璇达細鈥滄垜浠殑璐d换灏辨槸鎻愬嚭闇?眰璁″垝锛岀粨鍚堜笟鍔℃祦绋嬶紝鏈夊彲鎿嶄綔鎬э紝鏁翠釜杩囩▼鏄竴绉嶅緢鏌旀?鍖栫殑鏀硅繘锛岀粨鍚堜紒涓氱殑鍏蜂綋鎯呭喌锛屾瘮濡傦紝褰撴垜浠繖涓湁涓婄櫨骞村巻鍙茬殑澶у瀷鍒堕?浼佷笟锛岄潰瀵逛俊鎭寲鏀归?锛岃偗瀹氭湁寰堝绉疮涓嬫潵鐨勯棶棰橈紝鍐典笖涓庡浗澶栦紒涓氱浉姣旓紝浜哄憳绱犺川銆佽澶囩瓑閮芥湁寰堝ぇ鐨勫樊璺濓紝鍥犳锛屼紒涓氱殑淇℃伅鍖栦篃蹇呯劧鏄竴涓?姝ユ敼鍠勭殑銆佹笎杩涚殑鈥樿繃绋嬭鈥欍?鈥?br />
銆??鍢夐櫟璁や负锛屼紒涓氱殑ERP瀹炴柦搴旇浠ヨ储瀵屼负涓績杩涜鎵╁睍銆傚儚鍒堕?涓氱殑浼佷笟璧勬簮鏈?牳蹇冪殑鏄袱涓棶棰橈紝涓?釜灏辨槸浠g爜鐨勫叡浜紝鍙︿竴涓氨鏄粨鏋勬爲鐨勫畬鍠勶紝浣嗚繖涓や釜闂鐨勮В鍐抽兘蹇呴』渚濊禆浜庢煇绉嶅唴鍦ㄦ満鍒躲?鍦ㄥ槈闄碉紝杩欎竴鏈哄埗灏辨槸浠ヨ储鍔′负鏍稿績锛屽嵆璐㈠姟浠峰?娑电洊浜嗘墍鏈夌墿鍖栬繃绋嬶紝鎵?互涓?棪鍦ㄦ暟鎹泦涓殑鍩虹涓婃彁渚涗环鍊煎垽鏂紝鎵?湁閮ㄩ棬閮戒細涓?嚧琛屽姩璧锋潵锛岃繖灏辨槸鈥滅翰涓剧洰寮犫?銆?br />
銆??楂樺媷璁や负锛屸?濡傛灉鍋氫簡寰堝浜嬶紝鏈?悗娌℃湁鍔炴硶鍘荤‘璁わ紝缂轰箯浠峰?浣撶幇锛岃皝閮芥病鏈夊仛鐨勫姩鍔涘拰绉瀬鎬э紝 ERP灏辨槸瑕佷互璐㈠姟涓轰腑蹇冭繘琛屾墿鏁o紝浠庣數绠楀寲寮?锛屾妸姣忎釜瀛ゅ矝闆嗘垚璧锋潵锛屾垚鐔熶竴涓泦鎴愪竴涓紝浠g爜缁熶竴锛岀劧鍚庡啀鍋氬垎鍘傦紝鍒嗗巶鍏堝仛缁撶畻锛岀劧鍚庡啀鏄爣鍑嗘垚鏈殑鍒嗘憡锛岀粨鏋勬爲瑕佸噯纭紝杩欐牱涓?潵锛屾參鎱㈠氨鍏ㄩ儴鎵╂暎寮?簡锛屾渶鍚庡彧鏈夎储鍔″湪鏁版嵁鍒嗘瀽鍩虹涓婅繘琛屽鎯╋紝鏁翠釜璧勬簮鎵嶅緱浠ュ悎鐞嗚皟搴︺?鈥?br />
銆??浠庤鍔ㄥ湴鎺ㄨ繘锛屽埌鎵惧埌鍒╃泭椹卞姩锛屽槈闄佃涓猴紝涓?棪鏈変簡鍒╃泭婵?姳鏈哄埗锛屸?寰堝浜嬫儏澶у閮戒細涓诲姩鍘诲仛鈥濄?鍢夐櫟涔熷皢浼佷笟淇℃伅鍖栦綔涓烘彮闇插叕鍙哥鐞嗕腑闂鍜岀煕鐩剧殑鎵嬫锛屽湪鑱旂綉瀹炵幇涔嬪悗锛屾墍鏈夌殑缁撶畻骞朵笉鏄洿鎺ュ缓绔嬪湪鍒嗗巶涓庡垎鍘備箣闂达紝鎴栬?鏄垎鍘備笌閿?敭鍏徃锛屾墍鏈夌殑浜岀骇鍗曚綅涔嬮棿鐨勭粨绠楋紝鍙槸涓?釜淇℃伅娴佽窡鐗╂祦鐨勪氦浜掞紝鑰屼环鍊兼祦鍏ㄩ儴闆嗕腑鍦ㄨ储鍔¢儴銆?001骞村勾搴曪紝鍢夐櫟鐨勫彂鍔ㄦ満鎬诲巶浜屽垎鍘傦紝涓?害绉帇浜?000澶氬彴鍙戝姩鏈猴紝鑱旂綉鍚庤繖涓?棶棰樻毚闇插嚭鏉ヤ箣鍚庯紝寰楀埌鍙婃椂瑙e喅銆?br />
銆??浠庝汉娌诲彉鎴愮敱鏈哄櫒鏉ョ鐞嗭紝鍢夐櫟浜轰粠ERP涓皾鍒颁簡鐢滃ご锛屾洿杩涗竴姝ュ珐鍥轰簡浼佷笟淇℃伅绯荤粺鐨勨?鏉冨▉鈥濓紝涓?垏璁╂暟鎹璇濄?鍢夐櫟鐨勬妧鏈腑蹇冧篃浠庡師鏉ョ殑鐮旂┒鎵?笂鍗囧埌鐜板湪鐨勫浗瀹剁骇鎶?湳涓績銆?br />
鍔ㄦ?绠$悊涓嬬殑鈥滅粨鏋勬爲鈥濇ā鍨?br />

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

[Learning] CKM's six characteristics

Modern enterprises born in 1870, the general has the following six characteristics:

First, the production of the most effective way, in a single management system activities required to produce goods as much as possible together. John D. Rockefeller discovered and applied the concept. He noted that the exploration, production, transportation, refining, marketing into an enterprise system, you can maximize the efficiency of oil production and reduce costs. Based on this concept, he established the Standard Oil Trust, it may be big business in the history of one of the most profitable. 20 in the early 20th century, Henry Ford to develop this concept to the extreme. Ford Motor Company not only to manufacture, assemble all the auto parts, but also its manufacture of steel, glass and tires. It has in the Amazon rainforest rubber tree plantation, owned and operated vehicles carrying raw materials and finished goods railway line, and plans to sell all of its Ford and providing after-sales service (although this goal was eventually achieved).

Second, suppliers, especially manufacturers an edge in the market - they hold the consumer does not know and can not know the product or service information. This is exactly the reason for the brand can bring profit lies.

Third, any particular technology is only subordinate to an industry. On the contrary, any subordinate only to a specific industry, a technology. This means that the technology required for manufacture of steel on steel is only meaningful for the steel of any technology also comes from the industry itself. The same principle applies to the paper industry, agriculture, banking and trade. Industrial research laboratory is established based on the above premise. The first industrial laboratory in 1869 by Siemens in Germany, established; and IBM companies established in 1952, the last traditional laboratory. The lab focused on a single industry regarded the technical requirements, and assume that their findings apply only to that industry.

Fourth, the profit is the fundamental purpose of business, corporate structure, a great degree of imitation of the military form of organization, the organizational structure through the pyramid to achieve management, and management of primary role is to restrain and control staff (which is to promote Marx wrote "Das Kapital" one of the factors).

80's GE 400 000 employees, there are 25,000 titles which has a manager. Of which 500 are senior managers, is vice chairman of 130 or higher positions. From production workers to the CEO as many as 12 layers of management.

Fifth, the company is "master", the staff is "servant." Because the company has is critical for the survival of the means of production employees. Without it, employees will not be able to make a living, the staff needs of the enterprises is greater than the needs of corporate employees. Meanwhile, the vast majority of employees are full-time. Salary is their only source of support the family.

Sixth, the manual is the most important forms of work (especially in manufacturing), mechanical and repetitive work is its main feature.

These ideas are in a whole century well, but 70 years since the 20th century, as technology advances, globalization, cultural diversity, especially with the needs of the explosive growth of knowledge, which without exception, met with the the fate of being subversive.

First of all, "enterprises should focus on maximizing" traditional theorems have been invalid. Henry Ford Ford Motor Company all-inclusive, ultimately proved to be unmanageable. One reason is that any kind of activity more and more specialized knowledge required to update faster and faster, more expensive, like in a company and an important business for each store has changed a lot of key elements increasingly difficult. The Internet and information technology, actually reduce the traffic, communication cost, decentralized concept has been extended to a growing number of activities were: to a company's information technology, data processing and outsourcing of computer systems are commonplace. In the past few years, more than 200 million American workers of human resources management - hiring, dismissal, training, welfare, etc. - are outsourced to professional personnel agencies. Such institutions is almost non-existent 10 years ago, but now has a 30% annual growth.

Second, consumers have more information, transfer of power to consumers. For consumers, the supplier is no longer a seller, and became a buyer for the customer service. For example, General Motors established a 2000 help end-users to buy the company implemented: to help consumers meet their personal preferences, values and purchasing power of any type of vehicle.

Third, technology is no longer subordinate to the unique industry. Increasingly, the knowledge required from an industry completely different technology, and industry people who know little about this. For example, the telecommunications industry, where many people do not understand how the matter fiber optic cable. It is a glass by a Mingjiaokangning developed by the company. Similarly, more than half of World War II, Hou Beier Lab important inventions are used in industries other than the telephone. Bell Labs in the past 50 years, the most important invention is the transistor - the modern electronics industry was born with it. However, the phone company view, this revolutionary new invention of little use. Hence, anyone who gave it. However, it is Sony and other Japanese companies to push into the appliance industry.

Fourth, in order to improve the responsiveness and efficiency, enterprises become more and more flat organizational structure. After flattening, the management of General Electric Company significantly reduced levels, from production workers to the CEO are only six levels. At the same time more and more important as innovation and knowledge workers as the main workers, management changed the nature, inspire and lead to a greater extent instead of the constraint and control. The team building has become a major management and forms of work. More importantly, companies increasingly clear understanding that business has gone beyond the purely economic in nature, society and become one of the most important part, so it has a healthy growth of our society and the promotion of human development greater responsibility and mission.

Fifth, knowledge is the means of production, but its owner as is the knowledge worker, it could be taken away at any time. Knowledge workers, such as professional managers, R & D personnel, skilled workers, scientists, etc., to provide "knowledge" and business owners to provide "capital" is the same. Both depend on each other, which makes knowledge workers received equal status with the business owners. Many employees, perhaps most, are still engaged in full-time job, the salary still is their only or main source of income. But part-time employees, temporary workers, consultants or contractors is increasing. Even full-time employees, more and more people will no longer be employees of their service, but from the outsourcer.

Finally, the mental instead of physical labor. The face of rapidly changing social and market needs, wisdom and good sense has become the most important business asset, knowledge, innovation has become one of the most important job content.

For the Western enterprise, intellectual property has grown into a new profit growth point. Patent transfer income is IBM, one of the fastest growing source of profits. The total profit in 2003 8.1 billion, the patent transfer accounted for 1.7 billion U.S. dollars. GSM technology in 1000 Qualcomm patents in CDMA technology has more than 110 content more than 1,500 patents, more than 60 companies worldwide to purchase a CDMA patents. South Korea use CDMA ,1995-2000 years, only to Qualcomm cell phone patent fees are paid 2.4 billion.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

e-cology in the Pan Micro Series 27

Knowledge Management: Pan-micro every day to experience and information into productivity

Knowledge management process is painful, and over time will lead to low operational efficiency throughout the company. But once all employees develop a knowledge management practices in the future, the company will benefit from endless!

From the first day of the implementation of knowledge management to more than two years now, the pan-Micro also experienced a kind of knowledge course. Many previous knowledge is stored in each of the brain, their time of need can be out in such a way when a small company may still be valid, but as the business and become more complex and variable, and only scattered in every head out to share knowledge and make use of the time, 1 +1> 2 immediately apparent reason.

Of course, knowledge management more important is the need for certain systems and knowledge of strategies to operate, or difficult to implement.

Currently Weaver e-cology of all employees through the system every day to share their experiences and use the experience of other colleagues. Weaver's staff can not do without e-cology has been fully carried out the work. Effectiveness of knowledge management has received!

More than two years accumulated knowledge has resulted in a large pan Micro Knowledge Base, Weaver Knowledge of our staff every day stream of power!

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

IPSEC and SSL VPN are two

Now, with the rapid development of information technology, the proliferation of Internet users, resulting in the rapid expansion of the network nodes, so that the current number of available IP addresses is also drastically reduced. According to authoritative statistics, expected in the near future, today's IP address will be exhausted. As a result, the next generation Internet Protocol IPv6 was born a few years ago, with the agreement of the continuous development and improvement, and now more and more familiar for the majority of people. Today, to the initial brief on the IPv6 address and how to install WINDOWS systems use.

IPv6 and IPv4 are two completely different network protocol, since the current IPV4 will be replaced by IPv6, then it is in the end edge where? First of all, IPv6 addresses with large capacity. IPv6 address using 128-bit length, the current 32-bit IPV4 address, increasing the IP address can be used simply to describe mass. IPV4 address can only provide 2 addresses the 32 th power , but also remove some of the private address, and reserved addresses, the actual number available be less than this. and IPv6 addresses can be up to the 128 th power of 2 addresses in the future no matter what network equipment to join the network can allocate sufficient address. This is the biggest advantage of IPv6, of course, relative to the IPV4, IPv6 also has better Qos support, have a more streamlined IPv6 header, the network equipment to facilitate the processing of the IPv6 packet and to provide support for convection, and higher security and so on.

The current form of IPV4 address using dotted decimal form is, that the next generation of IPv6 addresses how to express it? As the IPv6 address length of 4 times the IPv4 addresses, so the expression of them is also much more complex than the IPV4 address. IPv6 address of the basic expression is X: X: X: X: X: X: X: X, where X is a 4 bit hexadecimal integer (16 bit). Each figure contains four, each containing four integer numbers, each address including the eight integers, Total 1 2 8 (4 脳 4 脳 8 = 1 2 8 ). For example, the following are some valid IPv6 address:
CDCD: 901A: 2222: 5498: 8475: 1111: 3900: 2020
1030: 0: 0: 0: C9B4: FF12: 48AA: 1A2B
2000: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 1
Please note that these integers are hexadecimal integer, in which A to F that is 10 to 15. Address each of the integer must be said, except the initial 0 can not express.

This is a relatively standard IPv6 address expression, in addition to two other more clear and easy to use way.

Some of the IPv6 addresses may contain long string of 0 (as above as the second and third example). When this happens, the standard permits the use of "gap" to indicate that a long list of 0. In other words, address 2000: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 1 can be expressed as: 2000:: 1. The two colon indicates that the address can be extended to a full 128-bit addresses. In this method, only when all 16 bits set to 0 will be replaced by two colons and two colons in the address can only occur once, to avoid confusion.

IPv4 and IPv6 in the mixed environment, there may be a third way of expression. IPv6 address in the lowest 32-bit IPv4 addresses that can be used in ways that address can be expressed in terms of a hybrid method, namely X: X: X: X: X: X: d. d. d. d, where X represents a 16-bit integer, and d represents an 8-bit decimal integer. For example, the address

0:0:0:0:0:0: is a valid IPv4 address. The two possible expressions together, the address can also be expressed as:::

IPv6 addresses and IPv4 addresses and a significant difference, namely, that address type. We all know, the current ip v4 address, there are three types: unicast (unicast) address, multicast (multicast) address, broadcast (broadcast) address. The are three types of IPv6 addresses though, but it has changed, there are: unicast (unicast), multicast (multicast), anycast (anycast).

鈼?Unicast Address: The address of a network interface. Sent to a unicast address of the packet will be sent to the address identifies the interface.
鈼?Multicast Address: a set of interfaces (typically belonging to different nodes) the network address. Sent to a multicast address packet will be sent to the address identified with all the interfaces.
鈼?anycast addresses: a set of interfaces (typically belonging to different nodes) the network address. Sent to the anycast address of a packet will be sent to one of the address identifies the interface (based routing protocol for the calculation of choices from the "recent "a).
鈼?broadcast address: all the nodes of a network segment. Sent to a broadcast address of the packet will be sent to the network segment to all nodes.

The reason for the IPv6 address broadcast address removed, while redefining the anycast address, mainly because of the network taking into account the existence of a large number of broadcast packets, likely to cause network congestion, and because the network nodes have the majority of these nothing to do with their broadcast packet processing, the performance of the network nodes are also affected.

Because this article was to introduce the system in windows how to install the IPv6 protocol, so the introduction of the IPv6 address is relatively simple. Then gossip talk less, turn to the question.

So far, windows system to the 2003 version has been released, but it's IPv6 protocol from the perspective of products, but also out of the formal product version and non-product version. So far, IPv6 protocol does not support the windows 95,98 and windows me.

IPv6, the official product version has been deployed in the following systems:

windows 2003 server family, windows xp (sp1), Windows CE. NET version 4.1 and later.

As an official product, IPv6 protocol official production version of Microsoft's products and services have been supported by the system. IPv6 protocol in these systems can install and uninstall in Control Panel Network Connections folder, for, as we now install ip v4 protocol the same. The non-product version of IPv6 include the following:

IPv6 development in windows xp Preview (Developer Preview), windows 2000 (sp1-sp4) in the technology preview (Technology Preview), in windows NT and windows 2000 running of version (Research IPv6).

Form to indicate the following:

For non-product version of IPv6 is, this version provides the IPv6 software contains pre-release code, not used for commercial purposes. This software is only used for research, development and testing, not for production environment.

Different versions of the system in different installation method is different.

IPv6 on all current versions of it, when we use IPv6 on IPv4 communication between sites has no effect without disturbing each other. And to work IPv6, when used in the transport layer and the v6 version is TCP and UDP the corresponding agreement.

Here, I choose windows 2000 sp1-sp4, windows xp, windows xp sp1, windows 2003 the typical windows system to see how to install IPv6. 鈻?Windows 2000 sp1-sp4 (installation technology preview version)

1. First of all, download the IPv6 protocol package. Because unlike windows xp windows 2000 and windows 2003 as the IPv6 protocol has been built, they can be installed, and windows 2000 you must first install the IPv6 package. Can be downloaded to the following address: http: / /, Package name: tpIPv6-001205.exe, is a self extracting file.

2. Double-click the newly downloaded package file: tpIPv6-001205.exe. Unzip directory dialog box appears, as Figure 1:

Here we extract d: IPv6kit directory.

3. Different versions of the service pack, there are different installation methods.

鈼?service pack 1

Direct implementation of the d: IPv6kit the setup.exe installation procedures.

鈼?service pack 2

鈶?the command line interface, the implementation of d: IPv6kitsetup-x command, and then extract the directory dialog box appears, we are here to extract d: IPv6kitIPv6 directory

鈶?with "Notepad" to open d: IPv6kitIPv6 directory hotfix.ini file, in the [VERSION] paragraph, the NTServicePackVersion = 256 changed to 512, save.

鈶?run d: IPv6kitIPv6 directory hotfix.exe, there are map interface, click "OK" button.

鈶?restart the computer.

鈼?service pack 3

Sp2 installation methods are similar with the above, only the first step 鈶?differ, is to hotfix.ini file [VERSION] section of the NTServicePackVersion = 256 changed to 768.

鈼?service pack 4

Until now, windows 2000 the latest version of service pack 4. It is also the installation of sp2 or less the same with the above, only the first step 鈶?differ, is to hotfix.ini file [VERSION] section change the NTServicePackVersion = 256 into 1024.

4. After the computer restarts, the desktop, "Network Neighborhood" icon on the right-click, select "Properties", open the Network Connections window, and double-click "Local Area Connection."

5. Click "Install ..." button

Select the "agreement", click "Add ..." button. Then appear as shown in Figure 8:

Select "Microsoft IPv6 Protocol", click "OK."

6. Installation is complete, we can see the IPv6 protocol has been in the list.

From the above we can see in the windows 2000 installation under IPv6, different service pack has a different approach. Therefore, before installing, need to determine the machine windows 2000 version of the system in the sp. Here, to provide two a way to view the sp version.

Method 1: In the "Start" menu, select "Run ...", enter "winver" command. There windows 2000 version of the interface.

Method 2: On the desktop "My Computer" icon on the right-click, select "Properties", select "General" tab item.

鈻?Windows 2000 (install MS Research IPv6 Edition)

In the above we see is installed in windows 2000 Technology Preview, of course, we can also install the IPv6 research (Research) version. Installation process is somewhat similar with the above, the following simple instructions.

1. Download msrIPv6 package.

2. Unzip package. You can specify a decompression directory.

3. On the desktop, "Network Neighborhood" icon on the right-click, select "Properties", open the Network Connections window, and double-click "Local Area Connection." In the "Local Area Connection Properties" window, click "Install ..." button, and then in the pop-up The "Select Network Component Type" window, select the "agreement", click "Add ..." button.

4. Pop-up "Select Network Protocol" window, click on "Disk ..." button,

The figure 12, in the text box in front of the self-extracting directory d: msrIPv6. Click "OK."

5. The system file is completed, a "Select Network Protocol" window, select the "msr IPv6 protocol", click "OK."

6. Installation. We can see, msr IPv6 protocol has been in the list.


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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Concept: exchange, exchange of routing and the third layer

To meet the challenges of network applications to deepen the network size and speed in the direction of both the rapid development of LAN speed from the original 10Mbit / s up to 100Mbit / s, Gigabit Ethernet technology is now widely applied.

The network structure from the early development of the shared medium local area network to the current switched LAN. Switched LAN technology enables bandwidth of dedicated users as opposed to greatly improve the local area network transmission efficiency. Can be said that the technology in the network system integration, direct user-oriented interface, the first layer and second layer switching technology has been satisfactory answer. However, as the network core, to play the role of gateway router interconnect technology has no qualitative breakthrough. In this case, a new routing technology came into being, this is the third layer switching technology: it is a router, because it is operational in the third layer network protocol is a routing device and can be understood from The role of the routing decision; it is the switch because it's fast, almost to the second tier exchange rate. Layer switches, three switches and routers, three technical about who was superior and who, with their respective application and the circumstances? To answer this question, we start with these three technologies working principle of:

1. Layer Switching

Layer is the data link layer switch equipment, it can read data packet in the MAC address information and the exchange according to MAC address.

An internal switch address table, the address table indicating the switch port MAC address and correspondence. When the switch from a port receives a packet, it first reads the header of the source MAC address, so that it knows the source MAC address of the machine is connected on which port it go read the purpose of MAC header address and the address table to find the appropriate port, if the table has the objective of MAC addresses with the corresponding port, put the packets directly copied to the port, if not found in the table put the data packets corresponding port broadcast to all ports on the machine when the purpose of responding to the source machine, the switch can also learn a purpose which port the MAC address corresponding to the next transmit data no longer need to broadcast to all ports.

This switch is the two-story building and maintaining its own address table. As the layer switches generally have a wide exchange of bus bandwidth, so you can at the same time a lot of ports for data exchange. If the layer switch with N ports, each port's bandwidth is M, and it switches the bus bandwidth of more than N 脳 M, then this switch can be achieved wire-speed switching. Layer makes the switch on the broadcast packet is limited to broadcast packets to all ports on the copy.

Layer switches are generally designed to process data packets containing the forwarding ASIC (Application specific Integrated Circuit) chip, it can be done very fast forward speed.


2. Routing

Router is in the OSI seven layer network model, the third layer - the network layer operations.

Routers within a routing table, this table indicate that if a place to go, where to take the next step should be. From a port router receives a packet, it first remove the link layer header (unpacking), read the purpose of IP address, and then find the routing table, if we determine where to send the next step, then the combined link layer header (packaged), put forward the packet out; If you can not determine the address of the next step, then returns a message to the source address, and to discard the packet.



銆??璺敱鍣ㄤ箣闂村彲浠ヨ繘琛岀浉浜掗?璁紝鑰屼笖鍙互閫氳繃浼犻?涓嶅悓绫诲瀷鐨勪俊鎭淮鎶ゅ悇鑷殑璺敱琛ㄣ?璺敱鏇存柊淇℃伅涓绘槸杩欐牱涓?淇℃伅锛屼竴鑸槸鐢遍儴鍒嗘垨鍏ㄩ儴璺敱琛ㄧ粍鎴愩?閫氳繃鍒嗘瀽鍏跺畠璺敱鍣ㄥ彂鍑虹殑璺敱鏇存柊淇℃伅锛岃矾鐢卞櫒鍙互鎺屾彙鏁翠釜缃戠粶鐨勬嫇鎵戠粨鏋勩?閾捐矾鐘舵?骞挎挱鏄彟澶栦竴绉嶅湪璺敱鍣ㄤ箣闂翠紶閫掔殑淇℃伅锛屽畠鍙互鎶婁俊鎭彂閫佹柟鐨勯摼璺姸鎬佸強杩涚殑閫氱煡缁欏叾瀹冭矾鐢卞櫒銆?br />

銆??涓?釜鍏锋湁绗笁灞備氦鎹㈠姛鑳界殑璁惧鏄竴涓甫鏈夌涓夊眰璺敱鍔熻兘鐨勭浜屽眰浜ゆ崲鏈猴紝浣嗗畠鏄簩鑰呯殑鏈夋満缁撳悎锛屽苟涓嶆槸绠?崟鐨勬妸璺敱鍣ㄨ澶囩殑纭欢鍙婅蒋浠剁畝鍗曞湴鍙犲姞鍦ㄥ眬鍩熺綉浜ゆ崲鏈轰笂銆?br />
銆??浠庣‖浠朵笂鐪嬶紝绗簩灞備氦鎹㈡満鐨勬帴鍙fā鍧楅兘鏄?杩囬珮閫熻儗鏉?鎬荤嚎(閫熺巼鍙珮杈惧嚑鍗丟bit/s)浜ゆ崲鏁版嵁鐨勶紝鍦ㄧ涓夊眰浜ゆ崲鏈轰腑锛屼笌璺敱鍣ㄦ湁鍏崇殑绗笁灞傝矾鐢辩‖浠舵ā鍧椾篃鎻掓帴鍦ㄩ珮閫熻儗鏉?鎬荤嚎涓婏紝杩欑鏂瑰紡浣垮緱璺敱妯″潡鍙互涓庨渶瑕佽矾鐢辩殑鍏朵粬妯″潡闂撮珮閫熺殑浜ゆ崲鏁版嵁锛屼粠鑰岀獊鐮翠簡浼犵粺鐨勫鎺ヨ矾鐢卞櫒鎺ュ彛閫熺巼鐨勯檺鍒躲?鍦ㄨ蒋浠舵柟闈紝绗笁灞備氦鎹㈡満涔熸湁閲嶅ぇ鐨勪妇鎺紝瀹冨皢浼犵粺鐨勫熀浜庤蒋浠剁殑璺敱鍣ㄨ蒋浠惰繘琛屼簡鐣屽畾銆?br />
銆??鍏跺仛娉曟槸锛?br />
銆??瀵逛簬鏁版嵁鍖呯殑杞彂锛氬IP/IPX鍖呯殑杞彂锛岃繖浜涜寰嬬殑杩囩▼閫氳繃纭欢寰椾互楂橀?瀹炵幇銆?br />
銆??瀵逛簬绗笁灞傝矾鐢辫蒋浠讹細濡傝矾鐢变俊鎭殑鏇存柊銆佽矾鐢辫〃缁存姢銆佽矾鐢辫绠椼?璺敱鐨勭‘瀹氱瓑鍔熻兘锛岀敤浼樺寲銆侀珮鏁堢殑杞欢瀹炵幇銆?br />
銆??鍋囪涓や釜浣跨敤IP鍗忚鐨勬満鍣ㄩ?杩囩涓夊眰浜ゆ崲鏈鸿繘琛岄?淇$殑杩囩▼锛屾満鍣ˋ鍦ㄥ紑濮嬪彂閫佹椂锛屽凡鐭ョ洰鐨処P鍦板潃锛屼絾灏氫笉鐭ラ亾鍦ㄥ眬鍩熺綉涓婂彂閫佹墍闇?鐨凪AC鍦板潃銆傝閲囩敤鍦板潃瑙f瀽(ARP)鏉ョ‘瀹氱洰鐨凪AC鍦板潃銆傛満鍣ˋ鎶婅嚜宸辩殑IP鍦板潃涓庣洰鐨処P鍦板潃姣旇緝锛屼粠鍏惰蒋浠朵腑閰嶇疆鐨勫瓙缃戞帺鐮佹彁鍙栧嚭缃戠粶鍦板潃鏉ョ‘瀹氱洰鐨勬満鍣ㄦ槸鍚︿笌鑷繁鍦ㄥ悓涓?瓙缃戝唴銆傝嫢鐩殑鏈哄櫒B涓庢満鍣ˋ鍦ㄥ悓涓?瓙缃戝唴锛孉骞挎挱涓?釜ARP璇锋眰锛孊杩斿洖鍏禡AC鍦板潃锛孉寰楀埌鐩殑鏈哄櫒B鐨凪AC鍦板潃鍚庡皢杩欎竴鍦板潃缂撳瓨璧锋潵锛屽苟鐢ㄦMAC鍦板潃灏佸寘杞彂鏁版嵁锛岀浜屽眰浜ゆ崲妯″潡鏌ユ壘MAC鍦板潃琛ㄧ‘瀹氬皢鏁版嵁鍖呭彂鍚戠洰鐨勭鍙c? If the two machines not on the same subnet, such as the sending machine A to machine C with the purpose of communication, sending machine A to a "default gateway" issue ARP packets, and the "default gateway" IP address is already in the system software set. The IP address actually corresponds to the third level of the third layer of switches, switching module.鎵?互褰撳彂閫佹満鍣ˋ瀵光?缂虹渷缃戝叧鈥濈殑IP鍦板潃骞挎挱鍑轰竴涓狝RP璇锋眰鏃讹紝鑻ョ涓夊眰浜ゆ崲妯″潡鍦ㄤ互寰?殑閫氫俊杩囩▼涓凡寰楀埌鐩殑鏈哄櫒C鐨凪AC鍦板潃锛屽垯鍚戝彂閫佹満鍣ˋ鍥炲C鐨凪AC鍦板潃锛涘惁鍒欑涓夊眰浜ゆ崲妯″潡鏍规嵁璺敱淇℃伅鍚戠洰鐨勬満鍣ㄥ箍鎾竴涓狝RP璇锋眰锛岀洰鐨勬満鍣–寰楀埌姝RP璇风ず鍚庡悜绗笁灞備氦鎹㈡ā鍧楀洖澶嶅叾MAC鍦板潃锛岀涓夊眰浜ゆ崲妯″潡淇濆瓨姝ゅ湴鍧?苟鍥炲缁欏彂閫佹満鍣ˋ銆?Later, when further data packets between A and C transmitted into, the ultimate goal would be to use the MAC address of packaging machinery, process all data transmitted to the second exchange processing, and information to high-speed switching. Both the so-called a routing, multiple exchange.




銆??闄や簡蹇呰鐨勮矾鐢卞喅瀹氳繃绋嬪锛屽ぇ閮ㄥ垎鏁版嵁杞彂杩囩▼鐢辩浜屽眰浜ゆ崲澶勭悊锛?br />

銆??4.涓夌鎶?湳鐨勫姣?br />
銆??鍙互鐪嬪嚭锛屼簩灞備氦鎹㈡満涓昏鐢ㄥ湪灏忓瀷灞?煙缃戜腑锛屾満鍣ㄦ暟閲忓湪浜屻?涓夊崄鍙颁互涓嬶紝杩欐牱鐨勭綉缁滅幆澧冧笅锛屽箍鎾寘褰卞搷涓嶅ぇ锛屼簩灞備氦鎹㈡満鐨勫揩閫熶氦鎹㈠姛鑳姐?澶氫釜鎺ュ叆绔彛鍜屼綆寤変环鏍间负灏忓瀷缃戠粶鐢ㄦ埛鎻愪緵浜嗗緢瀹屽杽鐨勮В鍐虫柟妗堛?鍦ㄨ繖绉嶅皬鍨嬬綉缁滀腑鏍规湰娌″繀瑕佸紩鍏ヨ矾鐢卞姛鑳戒粠鑰屽鍔犵鐞嗙殑闅惧害鍜岃垂鐢紝鎵?互娌℃湁蹇呰浣跨敤璺敱鍣紝褰撶劧涔熸病鏈夊繀瑕佷娇鐢ㄤ笁灞備氦鎹㈡満銆?br />

銆??璺敱鍣ㄧ鍙g被鍨嬪锛屾敮鎸佺殑涓夊眰鍗忚澶氾紝璺敱鑳藉姏寮猴紝鎵?互閫傚悎浜庡湪澶у瀷缃戠粶涔嬮棿鐨勪簰杩烇紝铏界劧涓嶅皯涓夊眰浜ゆ崲鏈虹敋鑷充簩灞備氦鎹㈡満閮芥湁寮傝川缃戠粶鐨勪簰杩炵鍙o紝浣嗕竴鑸ぇ鍨嬬綉缁滅殑浜掕繛绔彛涓嶅锛屼簰杩炶澶囩殑涓昏鍔熻兘涓嶅湪浜庡湪绔彛涔嬮棿杩涜蹇?浜ゆ崲锛岃?鏄閫夋嫨鏈?匠璺緞锛岃繘琛岃礋杞藉垎鎷咃紝閾捐矾澶囦唤鍜屾渶閲嶈鐨勪笌鍏跺畠缃戠粶杩涜璺敱淇℃伅浜ゆ崲锛屾墍鏈夎繖浜涢兘鏄矾鐢卞畬鎴愮殑鍔熻兘銆?br />


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