To meet the challenges of network applications to deepen the network size and speed in the direction of both the rapid development of LAN speed from the original 10Mbit / s up to 100Mbit / s, Gigabit Ethernet technology is now widely applied.
The network structure from the early development of the shared medium local area network to the current switched LAN. Switched LAN technology enables bandwidth of dedicated users as opposed to greatly improve the local area network transmission efficiency. Can be said that the technology in the network system integration, direct user-oriented interface, the first layer and second layer switching technology has been satisfactory answer. However, as the network core, to play the role of gateway router interconnect technology has no qualitative breakthrough. In this case, a new routing technology came into being, this is the third layer switching technology: it is a router, because it is operational in the third layer network protocol is a routing device and can be understood from The role of the routing decision; it is the switch because it's fast, almost to the second tier exchange rate. Layer switches, three switches and routers, three technical about who was superior and who, with their respective application and the circumstances? To answer this question, we start with these three technologies working principle of:
1. Layer Switching
Layer is the data link layer switch equipment, it can read data packet in the MAC address information and the exchange according to MAC address.
An internal switch address table, the address table indicating the switch port MAC address and correspondence. When the switch from a port receives a packet, it first reads the header of the source MAC address, so that it knows the source MAC address of the machine is connected on which port it go read the purpose of MAC header address and the address table to find the appropriate port, if the table has the objective of MAC addresses with the corresponding port, put the packets directly copied to the port, if not found in the table put the data packets corresponding port broadcast to all ports on the machine when the purpose of responding to the source machine, the switch can also learn a purpose which port the MAC address corresponding to the next transmit data no longer need to broadcast to all ports.
This switch is the two-story building and maintaining its own address table. As the layer switches generally have a wide exchange of bus bandwidth, so you can at the same time a lot of ports for data exchange. If the layer switch with N ports, each port's bandwidth is M, and it switches the bus bandwidth of more than N 脳 M, then this switch can be achieved wire-speed switching. Layer makes the switch on the broadcast packet is limited to broadcast packets to all ports on the copy.
Layer switches are generally designed to process data packets containing the forwarding ASIC (Application specific Integrated Circuit) chip, it can be done very fast forward speed.
2. Routing
Router is in the OSI seven layer network model, the third layer - the network layer operations.
Routers within a routing table, this table indicate that if a place to go, where to take the next step should be. From a port router receives a packet, it first remove the link layer header (unpacking), read the purpose of IP address, and then find the routing table, if we determine where to send the next step, then the combined link layer header (packaged), put forward the packet out; If you can not determine the address of the next step, then returns a message to the source address, and to discard the packet.
銆??璺敱鍣ㄤ箣闂村彲浠ヨ繘琛岀浉浜掗?璁紝鑰屼笖鍙互閫氳繃浼犻?涓嶅悓绫诲瀷鐨勪俊鎭淮鎶ゅ悇鑷殑璺敱琛ㄣ?璺敱鏇存柊淇℃伅涓绘槸杩欐牱涓?淇℃伅锛屼竴鑸槸鐢遍儴鍒嗘垨鍏ㄩ儴璺敱琛ㄧ粍鎴愩?閫氳繃鍒嗘瀽鍏跺畠璺敱鍣ㄥ彂鍑虹殑璺敱鏇存柊淇℃伅锛岃矾鐢卞櫒鍙互鎺屾彙鏁翠釜缃戠粶鐨勬嫇鎵戠粨鏋勩?閾捐矾鐘舵?骞挎挱鏄彟澶栦竴绉嶅湪璺敱鍣ㄤ箣闂翠紶閫掔殑淇℃伅锛屽畠鍙互鎶婁俊鎭彂閫佹柟鐨勯摼璺姸鎬佸強杩涚殑閫氱煡缁欏叾瀹冭矾鐢卞櫒銆?br />
銆??涓?釜鍏锋湁绗笁灞備氦鎹㈠姛鑳界殑璁惧鏄竴涓甫鏈夌涓夊眰璺敱鍔熻兘鐨勭浜屽眰浜ゆ崲鏈猴紝浣嗗畠鏄簩鑰呯殑鏈夋満缁撳悎锛屽苟涓嶆槸绠?崟鐨勬妸璺敱鍣ㄨ澶囩殑纭欢鍙婅蒋浠剁畝鍗曞湴鍙犲姞鍦ㄥ眬鍩熺綉浜ゆ崲鏈轰笂銆?br />
銆??浠庣‖浠朵笂鐪嬶紝绗簩灞備氦鎹㈡満鐨勬帴鍙fā鍧楅兘鏄?杩囬珮閫熻儗鏉?鎬荤嚎(閫熺巼鍙珮杈惧嚑鍗丟bit/s)浜ゆ崲鏁版嵁鐨勶紝鍦ㄧ涓夊眰浜ゆ崲鏈轰腑锛屼笌璺敱鍣ㄦ湁鍏崇殑绗笁灞傝矾鐢辩‖浠舵ā鍧椾篃鎻掓帴鍦ㄩ珮閫熻儗鏉?鎬荤嚎涓婏紝杩欑鏂瑰紡浣垮緱璺敱妯″潡鍙互涓庨渶瑕佽矾鐢辩殑鍏朵粬妯″潡闂撮珮閫熺殑浜ゆ崲鏁版嵁锛屼粠鑰岀獊鐮翠簡浼犵粺鐨勫鎺ヨ矾鐢卞櫒鎺ュ彛閫熺巼鐨勯檺鍒躲?鍦ㄨ蒋浠舵柟闈紝绗笁灞備氦鎹㈡満涔熸湁閲嶅ぇ鐨勪妇鎺紝瀹冨皢浼犵粺鐨勫熀浜庤蒋浠剁殑璺敱鍣ㄨ蒋浠惰繘琛屼簡鐣屽畾銆?br />
銆??鍏跺仛娉曟槸锛?br />
銆??瀵逛簬鏁版嵁鍖呯殑杞彂锛氬IP/IPX鍖呯殑杞彂锛岃繖浜涜寰嬬殑杩囩▼閫氳繃纭欢寰椾互楂橀?瀹炵幇銆?br />
銆??瀵逛簬绗笁灞傝矾鐢辫蒋浠讹細濡傝矾鐢变俊鎭殑鏇存柊銆佽矾鐢辫〃缁存姢銆佽矾鐢辫绠椼?璺敱鐨勭‘瀹氱瓑鍔熻兘锛岀敤浼樺寲銆侀珮鏁堢殑杞欢瀹炵幇銆?br />
銆??鍋囪涓や釜浣跨敤IP鍗忚鐨勬満鍣ㄩ?杩囩涓夊眰浜ゆ崲鏈鸿繘琛岄?淇$殑杩囩▼锛屾満鍣ˋ鍦ㄥ紑濮嬪彂閫佹椂锛屽凡鐭ョ洰鐨処P鍦板潃锛屼絾灏氫笉鐭ラ亾鍦ㄥ眬鍩熺綉涓婂彂閫佹墍闇?鐨凪AC鍦板潃銆傝閲囩敤鍦板潃瑙f瀽(ARP)鏉ョ‘瀹氱洰鐨凪AC鍦板潃銆傛満鍣ˋ鎶婅嚜宸辩殑IP鍦板潃涓庣洰鐨処P鍦板潃姣旇緝锛屼粠鍏惰蒋浠朵腑閰嶇疆鐨勫瓙缃戞帺鐮佹彁鍙栧嚭缃戠粶鍦板潃鏉ョ‘瀹氱洰鐨勬満鍣ㄦ槸鍚︿笌鑷繁鍦ㄥ悓涓?瓙缃戝唴銆傝嫢鐩殑鏈哄櫒B涓庢満鍣ˋ鍦ㄥ悓涓?瓙缃戝唴锛孉骞挎挱涓?釜ARP璇锋眰锛孊杩斿洖鍏禡AC鍦板潃锛孉寰楀埌鐩殑鏈哄櫒B鐨凪AC鍦板潃鍚庡皢杩欎竴鍦板潃缂撳瓨璧锋潵锛屽苟鐢ㄦMAC鍦板潃灏佸寘杞彂鏁版嵁锛岀浜屽眰浜ゆ崲妯″潡鏌ユ壘MAC鍦板潃琛ㄧ‘瀹氬皢鏁版嵁鍖呭彂鍚戠洰鐨勭鍙c? If the two machines not on the same subnet, such as the sending machine A to machine C with the purpose of communication, sending machine A to a "default gateway" issue ARP packets, and the "default gateway" IP address is already in the system software set. The IP address actually corresponds to the third level of the third layer of switches, switching module.鎵?互褰撳彂閫佹満鍣ˋ瀵光?缂虹渷缃戝叧鈥濈殑IP鍦板潃骞挎挱鍑轰竴涓狝RP璇锋眰鏃讹紝鑻ョ涓夊眰浜ゆ崲妯″潡鍦ㄤ互寰?殑閫氫俊杩囩▼涓凡寰楀埌鐩殑鏈哄櫒C鐨凪AC鍦板潃锛屽垯鍚戝彂閫佹満鍣ˋ鍥炲C鐨凪AC鍦板潃锛涘惁鍒欑涓夊眰浜ゆ崲妯″潡鏍规嵁璺敱淇℃伅鍚戠洰鐨勬満鍣ㄥ箍鎾竴涓狝RP璇锋眰锛岀洰鐨勬満鍣–寰楀埌姝RP璇风ず鍚庡悜绗笁灞備氦鎹㈡ā鍧楀洖澶嶅叾MAC鍦板潃锛岀涓夊眰浜ゆ崲妯″潡淇濆瓨姝ゅ湴鍧?苟鍥炲缁欏彂閫佹満鍣ˋ銆?Later, when further data packets between A and C transmitted into, the ultimate goal would be to use the MAC address of packaging machinery, process all data transmitted to the second exchange processing, and information to high-speed switching. Both the so-called a routing, multiple exchange.
銆??闄や簡蹇呰鐨勮矾鐢卞喅瀹氳繃绋嬪锛屽ぇ閮ㄥ垎鏁版嵁杞彂杩囩▼鐢辩浜屽眰浜ゆ崲澶勭悊锛?br />
銆??4.涓夌鎶?湳鐨勫姣?br />
銆??鍙互鐪嬪嚭锛屼簩灞備氦鎹㈡満涓昏鐢ㄥ湪灏忓瀷灞?煙缃戜腑锛屾満鍣ㄦ暟閲忓湪浜屻?涓夊崄鍙颁互涓嬶紝杩欐牱鐨勭綉缁滅幆澧冧笅锛屽箍鎾寘褰卞搷涓嶅ぇ锛屼簩灞備氦鎹㈡満鐨勫揩閫熶氦鎹㈠姛鑳姐?澶氫釜鎺ュ叆绔彛鍜屼綆寤変环鏍间负灏忓瀷缃戠粶鐢ㄦ埛鎻愪緵浜嗗緢瀹屽杽鐨勮В鍐虫柟妗堛?鍦ㄨ繖绉嶅皬鍨嬬綉缁滀腑鏍规湰娌″繀瑕佸紩鍏ヨ矾鐢卞姛鑳戒粠鑰屽鍔犵鐞嗙殑闅惧害鍜岃垂鐢紝鎵?互娌℃湁蹇呰浣跨敤璺敱鍣紝褰撶劧涔熸病鏈夊繀瑕佷娇鐢ㄤ笁灞備氦鎹㈡満銆?br />
銆??璺敱鍣ㄧ鍙g被鍨嬪锛屾敮鎸佺殑涓夊眰鍗忚澶氾紝璺敱鑳藉姏寮猴紝鎵?互閫傚悎浜庡湪澶у瀷缃戠粶涔嬮棿鐨勪簰杩烇紝铏界劧涓嶅皯涓夊眰浜ゆ崲鏈虹敋鑷充簩灞備氦鎹㈡満閮芥湁寮傝川缃戠粶鐨勪簰杩炵鍙o紝浣嗕竴鑸ぇ鍨嬬綉缁滅殑浜掕繛绔彛涓嶅锛屼簰杩炶澶囩殑涓昏鍔熻兘涓嶅湪浜庡湪绔彛涔嬮棿杩涜蹇?浜ゆ崲锛岃?鏄閫夋嫨鏈?匠璺緞锛岃繘琛岃礋杞藉垎鎷咃紝閾捐矾澶囦唤鍜屾渶閲嶈鐨勪笌鍏跺畠缃戠粶杩涜璺敱淇℃伅浜ゆ崲锛屾墍鏈夎繖浜涢兘鏄矾鐢卞畬鎴愮殑鍔熻兘銆?br />
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